Need Daycare? My Childcare Academy is Expanding!

My Childcare Academy is very excited to announce that our facility is expanding into other parts of our current building. We know this means that many current and prospective parents will have questions about what this means for their children. Here are some of the questions we’ve heard and what we have to say.

Questions & Answers

When Will the Expansion be complete?

We’ll have full access to the expansion by the 2nd week of July.

Will We Be Enrolling More Students?

Absolutely! We will be growing our enrollment numbers by a third and will have more rooms especially for three and four year olds. Spots are filling up and are limited. If you’re interested in signing your child up, give us a call and let’s start the conversation.

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Will There Be Any Changes to the Classrooms?

Yes! Our child-to-teacher ratios will be lowering. While we have always followed or exceded state regulations, we see the value in lowering our student to teacher ratios. This allows us to maintain our quality childcare and for your child to receive more individualized attention.

Another change that we’ll be implementing is how children transition from age group to age group. In traditional daycares, your child would be switched to the next age group shortly after their birthday. A new classroom and new friends can sometimes be overwhelming. This expansion will allow us more room so your child can transition with the school year. That way when your kiddo moves on to the next class so do all of his/her friends. This also allows us to avoid interruption in what your child is learning and keep their curriculum developmentally and age appropriate. There will be yearly graduation ceremonies that parents will be invited to. This will give parents a chance to meet their child’s new teacher, see the new classroom, and ask any questions they may have.

Are There Any More Plans for the Future?

You can count on it! We’re always thinking about how we can improve our daycare facility. In fact, we have plans to add a preschool program to our facility in 2021. We look forward to providing children in the South Jordan community and surrounding areas with quality preschool education. Currently, our daycare children follow our own all-day curriculum. Yet, the preschool program will give more children access to our curriculum for a few hours every day.

Have Any Questions?

We understand that you may have more questions, and we’re open to them! We hope you’re as excited as we are about this expansion. If you’re interested in enrolling, please give us a call and schedule a tour with the facility.

Call Us At (801) 679-0627!

Categories: daycare
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